The main and final result of the project was to increase the awareness between the young entrepreneurs, also citizens of the two municipalities involved (Utrillas and Decazeville), about their future, economic perspectives behind the mining activities that characterized for so long their main economic incomes.
A cycle of seminars and conferences sustained and reinforced the possibility of taking in consideration new, more sustainable ways of production and of creating value, based on sustainable development and green economics solutions. In so doing, multiple and transversal challenges were faced, from the depopulation problem, trying to find new, good opportunities of investment that could incentivize human settlements of the young generations, to the sensibilization of the society at large, in order to support such economic alternatives without opposing formal or informal barriers.
In this case a reflection about the past and the history of these municipalities has been only a starting point in order to reflect and build jointly a better future. The institutional framework of this project guaranteed constant assistance and showed solidarity to the young generations that are trying to remain and give a rebirth to their cities and for this purpose the Europe pour le citoyens program was able to meet their needs and to propose them solutions.
The target groups of the project are the young entrepreneurs and the migrants who want to invest in the territories of Utrillas and Decazeville. In order to improve and facilitate their life as well as the settlement of new people, new solutions and new economic alternatives have been shown. The project wants to show them as the EU and the local municipalities take care and offer a substantial contribute to their citizens in the rural areas as well as in the urban ones.
In a second moment the society at large has been involved, their contribute in the overall good results of the project is fundamental and much has to do with the awareness of how they contribute to the development of their territories for the young generations. In this sense we can talk about not only a comparison between the past and the future of these cities’ histories, but also of the comparison between the histories of the old and young generations and through them find a new, possible alternative solution.
The activities organized for this event utilised formal and informal ways of learning and informing people. A cycle of seminars and conferences had analysed in details the economic, historical and cultural background of the two municipalities involved with particular attention to the two target groups of young entrepreneurs and migrants. On the other hand, informal occasions, with musical events, audiovisual materials and the same moments of briefing and brainstorming having lunch together, have reinforced the communication and the exchange between the participants, implementing and stimulating their contribute behind the official occasions and creating a face-to-face confrontation much more productive than a top-down one.
Our main aim has been to demonstrate how through this activities the officials of the municipalities, as well as the same European Union, is close to the needs and the claims of its citizens and organize for them occasions of formation and common conviviality, behind the official formalities that can be perceived as an obstacle.
The change made concerns the dates of the project. It was carried out from 30th of April to the 5th of May (instead of from 4th September to 9th September), the reasons of this change can be justified with the intention of taking into account the exigencies of the French partner, for which these days were better than the scheduled ones.
Besides, the Council of Utrillas organized some different activities all along the second week of May to celebrate the Europe Day and in order to guarantee the maximum participation and a better organization preferred do not overlap the two events. In any case, the project took place within the broader, possible period of implementation.

The program was sponsored in every activity carried out during the project, the indispensable contribution of the Europe for Citizens Programme has been made explicit during the conferences that argued the importance of a common effort of the participants involved within an overall, European framework and with the collaboration of the European institutions, ready to answer to the necessities of their citizens. The Programme also had a direct, material visibility when European Union flag has been showed during the activities and the EU logo accompanied the material furnished during the activities. It has also to be noted that the EU contribution through the Europe for Citizens Programme was mentioned in sponsoring and later publishing the material concerning the event.
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The project has received very positive feedbacks from the participants that were very interested on the topics proposed and they also showed a sincere interest in participating in new, similar projects. The meeting and the exchange between French and Spanish people has also increased the awareness about a common, European belonging and citizenship, but especially about an European future. The common past shared by these municipalities has allowed the possibility of seeing a common future as well, where both can contribute for necessary solutions.